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Sanctions update 2/2024

On 24th June 2024, EU issued a 14th sanctions package against Russia. Apart from adding various prohibitions on additional and new sectors, products and entities (located both in Russia and in other countries) the 14th package imposes significant due diligence obligations on EU operators
27 juni 2024
9 februari 2024

Sanctions update 6/2023

On 18th December 2023, EU adopted a 12th sanctions package against Russia.
20 december 2023

Trade Compliance – ett abrupt uppvaknande för svenska bolag

Allt fler produkter omfattas av sanktioner och andra handelshinder. Exportprodukter från Sverige är inget undantag. När en produkt eller teknik utgör en så kallad PDA – med både civilt och militärt användningsområde, råder särskilda regler vid export. Att inte ha full koll på dessa regler, eller huruvida man ens omfattas av dem, kan sätta bolaget i en riskabel sits och bland annat äventyra bolagets finansiering. I värsta fall kan man dessutom ovetandes bidra till att stärka Rysslands militära förmåga.
16 november 2023

Sanctions update 5/ 2023

Risks related to the maritime transportation of Russian oil
16 augusti 2023

Sanctions update 4/ 2023

New EU sanctions and criminalization of sanctions breaches
3 juli 2023

Sanctions update 3/ 2023

EU imposes 10th sanctions package and new sanctions from US and UK.
28 februari 2023

Sanctions update – oil price cap

On 4 February 2023, members of the Price Cap Coalition (G7 plus EU and Australia) reached consensus on price caps for seaborne Russian-origin petroleum products falling under CN code 2710.
13 februari 2023

Sanctions update December (part 2)

Further to our previous sanctions newsletters we herewith inform about recent sanctions developments, following the Council’s adoption of the ninth sanction package on 16 December 2022, and an agreement as to a price cap on Russian gas.
30 december 2022

Sanctions update December 2022

Further to our previous sanctions newsletters we herewith inform about recent sanctions developments as follows.
14 december 2022

The wide reach of the prohibition against circumventing EU sanctions

Against the background of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the EU has imposed a number of sanctions, which include a prohibition for companies within the EU to take certain measures in relation to Russia, as well as designated Russian people and entities on the sanction lists. Furthermore, a prohibition to circumvent the sanctions has been introduced in order to ensure that the sanctions are effective also in practice. When it comes to this circumvention prohibition, it is important to be aware of its wide interpretation, as established by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Commission.
31 oktober 2022

Sanctions update 14 October

Further to our previous sanctions updates of 25 February, 3 March, 11 March, 16 March , 14 April and June 8 and 22 July, we herewith provide a further update of recent sanctions developments following Russia’s war against Ukraine:
14 oktober 2022

Sanctions update 22 July

Further to our previous sanctions updates of 25 February, 3 March, 11 March, 16 March , 14 April and June 8, we herewith provide a further update of recent sanctions developments following Russia’s war against Ukraine:
26 juli 2022

Sanctions update June 8

Further to our previous sanctions updates of 25 February, 3 March, 11 March, 16 March and 14 April we herewith provide a further update of recent sanctions developments following Russia’s war against Ukraine:
8 juni 2022

Sanctions update April 14

Further to our previous sanctions updates Sanctions update March 16, Sanctions Newsletter update 11 of March, Sanctions newsletter of 3 of March, Sanctions newsletter of 25 of February, we herewith provide a further update of recent sanctions developments following Russia’s war against Ukraine:
14 april 2022