
Focus on work environment

The Swedish Prosecution Authority has raised concerns about an increase in the number of employers and companies being prosecuted for violations of occupational health and safety regulations in recent years.

In 2018, a collaboration was initiated by the Swedish Government between the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Sw. Arbetsmiljöverket) and eight other agencies, including the Swedish Police Authority (Sw. Polismyndigheten), the Swedish Tax Agency (Sw. Skatteverket) and the Swedish Migration Agency (Sw. Migrationsverket), with the aim of combating violations of occupational health and safety legislation in Sweden. The collaboration involves coordinating, planning and implementing joint inspections, spreading knowledge about the subject to the public and developing methods to facilitate the detection and prevention of occupational health and safety offenses. The Prosecution Authority believes that the increased number of prosecuted offenses is largely an outcome of this collaboration.

All employers, regardless of size, have an obligation to establish systematic work environment management in order to create a workplace where employees thrive, stay healthy and feel secure. Occupational health and safety legislation is not only about addressing problems when they arise but also about employers actively preventing and addressing potential risks in relation to the work performed in the workplace on a daily basis.

At Vinge, we assist employers with:

  • Training on systematic work environment management and risk assessments
  • Establishing, reviewing and revising adopted work environment policies
  • Action plans in cases of harassment, sexual harassment and/or offensive treatment in the workplace
  • Advice in connection with illness, adaptation of work, and rehabilitation work
  • Advice in relation to workplace accidents