Dain Hård Nevonen specialises in capital markets, M&A, general corporate matters and Corporate Governance. He has many years’ experience from takeovers, IPOs, equity offerings and other capital markets transactions, as well as advising listed companies, their owners and subsidiaries in all types of capital markets and general corporate matters, as well as advising concerning board and management work and incentive plans. Dain Hård Nevonen is also a member of Vinge’s sector group Life Sciences.
Dain Hård Nevonen is ranked as Notable practitioner at IFLR 1000 2019
Dain Hård Nevonen is ranked as ”Really excellent and a rising star” at IFLR1000 2014
Vinge advises Cinclus Pharma Holding AB (publ) (“Cinclus Pharma”) in connection with an offering of…
On 28 May 2024, Asahi Kasei Corporation announced a public takeover offer to the shareholders and ho…
Vinge has advised Pareto Securities in connection with a partially secured rights issue of units of…
Vinge has advised Hansa Biopharma AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue through which…
Vinge has advised Oncopeptides AB (publ) in connection with a fully guaranteed rights issue which wi…
Vinge has advised Vimian Group AB (publ) in connection with a partly guaranteed rights issue which w…
Vinge advises Precio Fishbone AB (publ) (”Precio Fishbone”) in connection with the sale of approxima…
Vinge has advised Cell Impact AB (publ) in connection with a partly guaranteed rights issue which wi…
Vinge has advised Egetis Therapeutics AB (publ) (“Egetis Therapeutics”), an innovative and integrate…
Vinge has advised Re:NewCell, a textile-to-textile recycling company listed on Nasdaq First North Pr…
Through the rights issue of units, Xspray is expected to receive approximately SEK 300 million, with…
Immunovia AB (publ) is a diagnostic company with the vision to revolutionize blood-based diagnostics…
Vinge advises Biotage AB (publ) (“Biotage”) in connection with its acquisition of Astrea Bioseparati…
Vinge has advised Egetis Therapeutics AB (publ) (“Egetis Therapeutics”), an innovative and integrate…
Vinge has advised Hansa Biopharma in connection with a directed share issue through which the compan…
The loan agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) grants Oncopeptides access to a renewed u…
Vinge has advised Re:NewCell, a textile-to-textile recycling company listed on Nasdaq First North Pr…
Vinge has advised Xspray Pharma, a pharmaceutical company with several product candidates in clinica…
Vinge advises Vimian in connection with a directed share issue of approximately MSEK 1,500, before i…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
Vinge has advised Re:NewCell, a textile-to-textile recycling company listed on Nasdaq First North Pr…
Vinge has advised the biopharmaceutical development company Cinclus Pharma in connection with a priv…
Vinge has advised ABG Sundal Collier and Carnegie in connection with a capital raising in Xshore of…
Vinge advises Cell Impact AB (publ) in connection with a fully guaranteed rights issue which will pr…
Vinge has advised Xspray Pharma, a pharmaceutical company with several product candidates in clinica…
Vinge has advised Biotage AB (publ), listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, in connection with its acquisition…
Vinge has advised Acrinova, an entrepreneurial real estate company operating in the south of Sweden…
Vinge advises Calliditas Therapeutics, a specialty pharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm…
Vinge is advising Vimian and the principal shareholder Fidelio in connection with a private placemen…
Vinge has advised Sdiptech AB (publ) in connection with its list change from Nasdaq First North Prem…
The company description was published on 3 June 2021 and the trading on Nasdaq First North Premier b…
Vinge has advised ABG Sundal Collier and Carnegie in connection with Permascand’s listing on Nasdaq…
The share issue was directed to a number of Swedish and international institutional investors on the…
Corem Property Group AB (publ) has announced a public offer to the shareholders of Klövern AB (publ)…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
Vinge has advised EQT in connection with the signing of a combination with Exeter Property Group, a…
Vinge is advising Medivir AB (publ) in connection with a rights issue which will provide Medivir wit…
Vinge has advised the pharmaceutical development company Xspray Pharma in connection with a directed…
The loan agreement with the EIB grants Oncopeptides access to an unsecured loan facility of up to EU…
Vinge has advised Cell Impact AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue, whereby Cell Impa…
Vinge advises Calliditas Therapeutics, a specialty pharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm…
The board of directors of Hansa Biopharma has, on the basis of an authorisation granted from the ann…
The board of directors of Medicover has, on the basis of an authorisation granted from the annual ge…
Vinge advises Calliditas Therapeutics in connection with its capital raising and listing on The Nasd…
Vinge has advised Nanoform Finland Plc (“Nanoform”) in connection with its capital raising and listi…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
Vinge has advised Equinor ASA in connection with a sale of shares in Lundin Energy AB (publ) through…
Vinge advises Xspray Pharma AB (publ) in connection with its list change from Nasdaq First North Gro…
Vinge has advised the pharmaceutical development company Cinclus Pharma in connection with a capital…
Vinge has advised Industrifonden and Investinor in connection with a sale of in total approximately…
Vinge advises IRLAB Therapeutics in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 70 million and a r…
Vinge has advised the pharmaceutical development company Xspray Pharma in connection with a directed…
Vinge has advised EQT AB (publ) (“EQT”) in connection with the offering and listing on Nasdaq Stockh…
The Norwegian energy company Equinor ASA announced on 7 July that it had agreed with Lundin Petroleu…
The Board of Directors of Calliditas Therapeutics AB (publ) (“Calliditas”) has resolved on a directe…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
Vinge has assisted Nuevolution AB (publ) (“Nuevolution”) in connection with the cash offer to the sh…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
The board of directors of Xspray Pharma AB (publ) has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, wh…
Vinge advises Biotage AB (publ) (“Biotage”), listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, in connection with its acqu…
Vinge advised Equinor Technology Ventures AS (”Equinor”) in connection with its acquisition in Medfi…
The board of directors of Hansa Medical has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Hans…
Klövern AB (publ) has, through its indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary Dagon Sverige AB, made a publi…
In total, 1,2 million shares were placed at a price of SEK 148 per share, corresponding to a total v…
Vinge has advised Autoliv, Inc. (“Autoliv”) and Veoneer, Inc. (“Veoneer”) in connection with the spi…
Vinge advises Calliditas Therapeutics AB (publ) (“Calliditas Therapeutics”) in connection with the l…
Vinge advises Nuevolution AB (publ) in connection with its list change from Nasdaq First North Premi…
Vinge advises ABG Sundal Collier, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken and Swedbank who are acting as Joint…
The board of directors of Nuevolution has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Nuevol…
The board of directors of IRLAB Therapeutics has, on the basis of an authorisation granted from the…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
The board of directors of Xspray Pharma proposes a directed share issue to be resolved at an extraor…
Vinge has advised Lyko Group AB (publ) (“Lyko”) in connection with its listing on Nasdaq First North…
The board of directors of Hansa Medical has resolved on a directed new issue of ordinary shares, sub…
Vinge assisted EQT V Limited (”EQT”) in connection with the sale of shares in AcadeMedia AB (publ) (…
Vinge advises DGC One AB (publ) (“DGC”) in connection with EQT’s acquisition of 85.2 percent of the…
Vinge advises Medicover AB (publ) (“Medicover”) and its main shareholder Celox Holding AB (“Celox”),…
Advania has, through Advania Holding AB, made a recommended cash offer to the shareholders of Caperi…
The board of directors of Hansa Medical proposes a capital raising through a directed share issue, w…
The outbreak of the coronavirus disease has had a significant impact on people and businesses. The s…