
Record high activity within M&A – Christina Kokko interviewed in Dagens Industri

February 10, 2019 About the firm M&A

After several red-hot years, expectations were that there would be a decline in activity. Instead, in an interview in Dagens Industri, Vinge’s Christina Kokko describes an M&A market which is hotter than ever. 

“After two very strong years, we anticipated a decline during the first quarter of this year. Instead, this year has been record-breaking in intensity. I have never seen such high activity during January in my 23 years as a practitioner”, says Christina Kokko in an interview in Dagens Industri.

Christina Kokko is one of Sweden’s leading M&A lawyers who was responsible for 20 deals during 2018.

“We participated in 99 deals last year, which makes us the market leader in Sweden. Now we have 30 deals which are ongoing and several deals which will be starting shortly. This relates to both deals in the billion class, midsize and relatively small, both private equity driven transactions and broader processes such as bipartite strategic transactions”, says Christina Kokko. 

A prevailing trend is that deals are larger, more complex and often require unique specialization.

”We are in a really hyperactive phase now in relation to M&A. It is difficult to see when it is going to end.”