Vinge advises Access Industries in connection with the management buy-out of Energibolaget i Sverige AB
August 22, 2007
Vinge represented the American industrial group Access Industries in connection with the sale of 70 per cent of the shares in Energibolaget i Sverige AB in a management buy-out.
Access Industries was represented by Henrik Wenckert and Martin Hall
Vinge has represented Inflexion in connection with the acquisition of the Mecenat group from IK. The acquisition of Mecenat is the first investment made through Inflexion's new Enterprise Fund VI, and Inflexion's first acquisition in Sweden.
Färskvaruhuset i Göteborg AB is a Swedish nationwide supplier to the retail sector within meat and poultry as well as charcuterie and delicatessen products. The acquirer was the international food trading company BPI A/S, headquartered in Denmark.
Lundby Plåt Aktiebolag provides services within sheet metal work. The acquirer was the Gothenburg based contracting and construction services company, Göfast Gruppen AB.